Пример медицинского копирайтинга на английском языке на тему использования лечебных трав в изготовлении препаратов. Текст написан носителем языка, который работает фармацевтом.
Herbal medicine is a type of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) where herbs and other natural products are used for the treatment of various conditions. These medicines are often used in conjunction with other disciplines of alternative medicine.
Originally, all herbal medicines were deemed safe for consumption since they were “natural”. In 1994, the United States Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA), allowing “over-the-counter” sale of dietary supplements, without prior establishment of product safety and efficacy. At the moment, the Food and Drug authority can only withdraw supplements from the market if they are proven dangerous to health. Thus, we must keep in mind that not all “natural” remedies are completely safe.
At the moment, there are many herbal remedies that have gained popularity. The more popular remedies are mentioned below.
Ginkgo biloba is a type of tree that has been purported to reduce the rate of onset and progression of dementia. Recent reviews have suggested a favorable effect over placebo.
Interest in saw palmetto as a viable treatment of symptomatic prostatic enlargement has experienced a surge in recent years. However, no demonstrable efficacy has been demonstrated in clinical trials so far.
St. John’s wort appeared to have some degree of efficacy for the treatment of depression based on earlier studies. However, recent high-quality clinical trials have disputed this claim as St. John’s wort did not appear to be superior to placebo for the treatment of major depression.
Echinacea roots are commonly used to treat or prevent respiratory infections. Again, these claims have not been validated by clinical trials.
Many effective drugs today were derived from plant life. However, we must remember that underwent a stringent process of extraction, purifying, and processing before they were tested for safety and efficacy on humans. The efficacy of some herbal concoctions cannot be denied, but to ensure safety and continued health, a medical consult is still warranted for more serious conditions.